Reading the present to understand the future
* Annual Financial Report 2023
Scenarios in the economy, politics and labour, the digital transformation, the challenges of sustainability and inclusiveness: the 24 ORE Group recounts the present to get a clearer view of the future. Giving our readers and listeners in-depth, reliable, clear, balanced information every day: this commitment has made us the leading multimedia publishing group in our country for the economic, financial, professional and cultural sectors.
A platform of integrated content and services
Our newspaper has its roots in the 19th century and has always been the point of reference for all Italians wishing to navigate their way through economics, politics and finance with a firm and competent guide.
Seizing the challenges of the market and multimedia, we complemented the newspaper and the website with the leading news agency Radiocor, Radio 24, Italy's leading news&talk radio station, and the magazines.
At the same time, we have developed a wide range of publications, software, databases and training courses aimed at professionals, companies and PA who can also rely on our innovative networking and quality certification services.

And we did not stop there. With the company 24 ORE Cultura, we also actively organise cultural events and events, with over 200 exhibitions held in more than 20 years and a close network of institutional relations. With Il Sole 24 ORE Eventi, we handle the management, promotion and sales of conferences and meetings in Italy and abroad. With Il Sole 24 ORE Formazione, in partnership with Multiversity, we deliver high-profile training that responds effectively to the demand for new skills in the labour market. Through 24 ORE System, the advertising agency of our Group and of a selected group of third-party publishers, both Italian and international, we provide an innovative and constantly evolving communication offering that, through a multimedia platform, guarantees effective ways of engagement and use of content.
Identity card
We are a solid, wholly Italian-owned group that has always been committed to the internationalisation of the Italian economic system. On the stock exchange since 2007, in 2023 we achieved more than 215 million in revenues and employed more than 750 people.
Our aim is to maintain and strengthen a highly competitive market position in meeting all the in-depth and up-to-date requirements of professionals, businesses, the public administration and families on economic-financial, tax, legal-regulatory, professional and cultural issues. Always with the same journalistic precision and expertise that make up our DNA.
As Italy's leading multimedia company in the field of financial, professional and cultural information and education, we feel a responsibility to contribute to a better tomorrow for present and future generations. For this reason, too, we have adopted - the first multimedia publishing group in Italy - a self-regulatory code for the ethical application of artificial intelligence within our editorial and professional activities with the aim of protecting the quality of information, the integrity of the journalistic profession and of all the professional skills of the Group, as well as the respect for the rights of third parties.
We want to be the cultural soul of our country and make a tangible contribution to developing a sustainable global economy that combines long-term profitability with social justice and environmental protection.
Sustainability and Inclusiveness
Sustainability and inclusiveness are the core of our values: not mere slogans, but commitment in real actions. We have relocated our headquarters to an environmentally friendly building that has achieved the Leed Gold certification, as well as having an ISO 14001-compliant environmental management system.
We are also the first Italian publishing group to have obtained, in December 2022, the Gender Equality Certification in accordance with UNI/PdR 125:2022, issued by Bureau Veritas Italia and since 2023, as part of our commitment to implementing ESG best practices, also through international collaborations, we have joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
In 2023, we also approved the first ESG Plan in our history, based on two strategic directions: digital transformation and focusing on people.