The most widely circulated Italian daily newspaper on economic, political and financial issues. Rated the number one Italian newspaper for reliability in the Digital News Report 2024 Survey for the seventh consecutive year.
The real-time economic and financial information of the 24 ORE Group; with its news bulletin it has been a reference point in the dissemination of real time news on economic, financial and political matters for more than 70 years.
Our mission is to create an ecosystem of services and products that can support professionals, businesses and the public administration in order to overcome the daily challenges related to their professional activity.
The 24 ORE Group company that organises and holds events, integrated with the Group's various entities, in order to meet customers’ needs and disseminate the information heritage of Il Sole 24 Ore.
One of the largest producers and organisers of exhibitions in Italy and abroad, in collaboration with major national and international public and private collections.