Record in-person and online attendance for the Festival dell’Economia di Trento.Over 3.5 million views for the event's digital content and 1.1 million users reached on the Festival's social media.

Building on last year's success, the Festival dell’Economia di Trento, now in its 18th edition, racked up record numbers both in-person and online in the new format conceived by the 24 ORE Group and organized together with Trentino Marketing on behalf of the Autonomous Province of Trento and with contributions from the Municipality of Trento and the University of Trento.
Total content posted on the Festival's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts was viewed over 3.5 million times through the publication of 1,170 items totaling over 75,000 interactions. Also hosted during this edition of the Festival were 2 vertical influencers on the world of the economy and finance. The posting phase is still in progress, yet the preliminary results are highly encouraging: posted content (including ig stories, posts, reels, TikTok and YT shorts) has reached 1.1 million people, totaling more than 21,000 interactions. Potential impressions are equal to over 28.8 million users. Complementing these results is the great hype produced by the coverage of the events of the Festival and Fuori Festival on all the social channels of the 24 ORE Group - Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24, 24 ORE Eventi, 24 ORE Cultura and 24 ORE System - reaching a total of more than 5.7 million users.
Live streams of the events on the Il Sole 24 Ore website and its social channels reached more than 600,000 users, a significant surge compared to the previous year's edition, further corroborated by the growth in unique browsers on the homepage, up +25% versus last year. These figures are further bolstered by the over 50,000 users who tuned into the live streams and video-on-demand content on the Festival's website. This number is set to rise given the availability of downloadable videos for all events.
A surge in audience also for the over 60 video reports of news coverage by the Il Sole 24 Ore editorial staff, clips from panels and events at FuoriFestival, and video content created specifically for social media that reached more than 200,000 users. The content that garnered the most attention included the speeches by the Prime Minister, ministers, prominent business leaders, and Nobel laureates. Daily recaps of the Festival's major news also attracted substantial interest. The special episodes of the daily podcast "Start”, recorded from Trento, also achieved success, with over 20,000 audio streams.
The 24 ORE Group, with its 200 people from the editorial staff and the company, deployed in fact all its information wealth to chronicle the Festival days by producing four inserts dedicated to the event, starting on Friday 26 May until Tuesday 30 May, an online super-dossier on the Sole 24 Ore website and by constantly feeding digital platforms and social channels. From Piazza Cesare Battisti, in addition to the 6 live shows, Radio 24 provided 26 live broadcasts of the programs on the schedule, allowing the Trento audience to meet their favourite hosts and experience the thrills of live radio and the behind the scenes.
The Festival also made a significantly positive contribution to the economy of Trento. Based on the monitored sample facilities, hotel occupancy rates during the event days ranged between 95% and 99%. This was largely driven by the substantial tourist flows generated by the Festival. This is further evidenced by the consistent full capacity in the 21 venues that hosted the over 270 events scheduled across the four-day period.
The decision to reschedule the Festival also proved to be a successful strategy. By advancing the Festival by a week and shifting it away from the 2 June holiday, when the University was closed, the goal of engaging university students and youngsters in general was accomplished. Specifically, the event was attended by over 1,000 high-school students from the Province of Trento and beyond. Therefore, the final weekend of May has once again been confirmed for next year: the 19° edition of the Festival dell’Economia di Trento is set to take place from 23 to 26 May 2024.
The event garnered exceptional ratings, featuring an impressive line-up of 6 Nobel laureates, 19 ministers and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, more than 90 academic speakers, 40 top international and national economists, 60 representatives of national and European institutions, 35 international speakers, and more than 40 managers and entrepreneurs from some of Italy's major companies and multinationals, for a total of more than 650 speakers, 35% of whom women compared to 23% last year.
The Fuori Festival's entertainment program also enjoyed huge success. The event evenings featured Noemi and Pojana, aka Andrea Pennacchi, who shared his economic theories with an eager audience. The line-up also included Guè, a leading figure in the Italian rap scene, Ariete, a singer-songwriter highly popular among youngsters, reflections on entrepreneurial experience by Luca Zingaretti and Miriam Leone, as well as numerous meetings with experts and startups discussing the most compelling topics in innovation.
Moreover, starting this year, the Festival dell’Economia has initiated a process to obtain a certification for sustainable event management. The ISO 20121:2012 certification, verified by a third party, attests that the Festival's sustainable management practices adhere to the requirements set out in the standard. At the closing ceremony on Sunday 28 May, this commitment was affirmed with the presentation of an initial certification to Gianni Battaiola, President of Trentino Marketing, and Mirja Cartia D'Asero, CEO of the 24 ORE Group.
On the information front, more than 160 press releases were produced, 14 of which in English and German with 511 accredited journalists and professionals from major local and national newspapers. Media coverage saw a total of 546 articles published in the various newspapers, 5,422 web articles and 212 radio and TV reports.
The 2023 edition of the Festival also achieved an all-time record number of event partners: 44 Business Partners plus seven media partners:, Financial Times, Sky Tg24, Il Sole 24 Ore,, Radio 24 and the Radiocor agency.